Thursday, June 7, 2012

French Students

A lot has happened since my last post.

God has moved in some amazing ways through our evangelism on campus here in France.
The students in Montpellier are searching for something, but they often don't know what.
Many of the students I have been meeting the last few weeks know little about God. When I ask them "What is the meaning of life?" or "What is the origin of life?" many have never thought about them before. Students have given the answer such as It was by chance, Evolution, or I don't know; That's a good question. This is a very different spiritual climate than in the United States. Many students have not grown up in or even experienced a religion of any kind. But why? One reason is because their parents never taught them and another is because of the government of France. In 1905 the French government put into affect laicite that is the separation of church and state. Therefore taking religion out of public schools, government proceedings etc. Although many of the students we talk to don't know of God or know that you can have a relationship with God, God is working in their lives. He has directed us to students to talk to and has given us many opportunities to share the Gospel with the students. Although, to our knowledge, no student has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior because of our conversations, God is moving. We are connecting with the students and I have had the opportunity to share the Gospel and share how God has show up in my life. How He has helped me through tough losses, and how He has provided for me in times of need. God has given me circumstances and hard times in my life in order for me to relate with the French students who are hurting because of a lost family member or friend or a student who struggles with finding purpose in life.

Before coming to France I had some ideas of what life would be like. I had a conception that French were rude. The people are actually very friendly to talk to and willing to help you with anything. I thought it would be hard to do everyday logistical things without knowing any French. I was wrong. I have learned some basic survival French and can go through the city with ease. And last I thought that discussions with French students would be very intelligent and hard to get the Gospel across. Wrong again. God has empowered me with His power and courage and given me truth to share with the French students.

Prayer Requests:

For the French Friends that we have made at the university. That the Lord would soften their hearts and make them receptive to the Gospel. That our group would be a healthy Body of Christ that can be a witness of Christ's love and compassion to the French students. Last, that every conversation we have with a French student is seasoned with salt and that by God's will every conversation can be about spiritual things.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

God doesn't call the equipped; He equips the called.

The let you know I made it to France! It has been the second full day here in Montpellier. God you are great. We spent 24+ hours traveling to the city, but God was gracious and got us all here safe. It was a tough first day yesterday running on little to no sleep, but I managed. We spent the last two days on the university campus talking with the students. It's been a little nerve wracking. The language barrier is the only thing that holds me back from talking to people about Jesus. However, I start each conversation with the magic phrase: "Boujour. Excusez-moi de vous deranger, mais parlez-vous anglais?" (Hello. Sorry to bother you, but do you speak english!)

We've been very busy and have lots to do. I'm going to keep this post short. Today we met a French student named Paul. He said he was a Catholic and believed in God. We asked him what the meaning of life was and he said it was to be a good moral person and help those around us. I don't know where he sits with God and I have no grounds to judge his salvation. However, would you please join me in praying for Paul and men and women like him. That God would reveal himself to him, and that I would have God's love for each person I speak with on campus.

We have not spent all time on campus. We have had some chances to explore the city center. The history is apparent everywhere you turn. There's even a Roman aqueduct that's maybe a little over 1 mile away from our residence. Here are some photos.
Pool of water at end of aqueduct

Mallard in pool

Sunset over the city

Merci for the prayers and support.

Au Revoir

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Counting the Days

Where to begin. I have to admit life has been everything but perfect. These last few weeks I have given in to fear, insecurities, doubt, and everything but God's will. I have been heading down an ever winding road to self satisfaction and not seeking God's counsel. My actions remind me a speaker I listened to at a conference in Minneapolis called Kingdom Called. Kingdom Called was the conference for over-seas missionaries and state-side interns in Campus Crusade for Christ. The speaker spoke about the account of the battle between David & Goliath in the Old Testament.

To be frank, I have been acting like Saul and his soldiers wanting to fight Goliath, but not having the guts to leave their high ground in the hills to fight in the valley. 1 Samuel 17 gives the account of David's courage and trust in God.

When David found out about the Philistines slandering the name of Israel's God he was upset. David was just a shepherd boy after all. When he entered the army's camp, he was not treated with respect.

David had to leave behind many things to fight Goliath. He left behind his sheep, negative thoughts & comments of his brothers, false accusations and doubt from soldiers, comparisons between his small stature and the towering Goliath, and he left behind Saul's armor that would only weigh him down.

In order for me to follow Christ, I also have to leave behind many things. I have to leave behind my fears of people not liking me, my insecurities, comparing my appearance to others, and my parents apprehension about raising support and making an impact in France.

What did David bring with him to battle Goliath. He brought courage, God's honor and in the name of Yahweh of Hosts, God's faithfulness, who he was (a shepherd), confidence in who God is, and the assuredness of victory.

David didn't act like someone else. He knew who he was. He was a son of the living God. He didn't let others skew his view on life. His life was to serve God and honor His name. David was selfless, resilient, courageous, strong, bold and victorious.

Often times I am caught in the mindset of the soldiers. I doubt God's impact in my life. I feel as though I am not good enough, that I have wronged God too many times, that God can't possible forgive me for what I've done. I give into Satan's lies telling me that since I've committed so many horrible sins that God cannot use me in France. That I am too broken & scarred to make an impact for Christ.

I don't know why I listen to or even believe these sly lies, but I do. I find myself believing these things because I am not rooted in God's word, that I am not seeking His counsel, and that I am not continuously empowered by the Holy Spirt, having God's presence in my life.

Despite all this. God has called me to His mission in France. He has a greater purpose and plan for me there than I know at this time. I'm sick of the Christian mantra that you have to keep everything in and one has to keep all their struggles to themselves. People are dying every day who don't know Jesus. I believe that should be a big enough motivator to share the love of Christ with those around us.

14 days until I am in Minneapolis preparing to travel to France. I'm praying that God would help me to trust in Him. That I would not do anything on my own power, but rely on Him whom gives me strength.

Thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the Cross to bridge the gap between death and eternal life. Your actions speak volumes of how the Father loves His created people. Lord, may Your will be done.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Blessings Go Both Ways

It's been a week since my last update. God has been working in my life in more ways than I realize. He has been introducing me to people that have similar connections and experiences with people I have met. He is showing me how one person can make an impact on multiple peoples lives leaving a lasting legacy. I have been blessed far more than I could ever imagine and this is just the end of the beginning. God has a plan for me and all people. As I've been preparing to travel to France on a mission trip this summer, God has been growing me. He has been disciplining my heart and showing me His love and forgiveness that I need to reflect onto others. I have been greatly blessed with the support that has come in to fund my missions trip. Less than a week ago I was a little over 1/2 way from reaching the total needed to fund the mission trip costs. As of yesterday, God has blessed me with over 80% of the funds raised because of generous ministry partners listening to His call. Also this last Wednesday I was on an overnight trip for my internship. I was riding with one of my co-workers down to Burlington and God blessed the ride with a spiritual conversation. My co-worker asked me what I was doing this summer and I had the opportunity to inform him of the missions trip to France. As the conversation went along I was able to ask him about his religious beliefs and I learned about how he was saved as a child and how he came to know Christ as his savior and Lord. It's been a blessing to see how God is working in my life. I think I just need to take the time each day and look for His fingerprints in my life. If I actually did, I would be forever thankful and conscious of God's never ceasing love and mercy. I encourage you to stop now and think of how God is working in your life. I guarantee He is blessing you to be a blessing to others.

Here is a song that sums up what I want to live out, however my sin and flesh keeps feeding me lies. Every time I hear this song on the radio I think of how I've neglected the opportunities God has given me to do His work. How I have punked out and haven't listened to the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart to move. I want to be a positive influence to those around me. I want to be a reflection of Christ to those who need hope, love, a friend, security, truth, forgiveness. I want to be able to share with them how Christ has worked in my life and how He loves them as His children. That they are a chosen people. Adopted through Christ's death on the cross and resurrection victory over death. Thank you Jesus.