Sunday, November 27, 2011

Called Out Of Darkness

Have you ever imagined a higher calling? Believed that you were made for something bigger. Something greater. Have you ever pictured yourself on an epic adventure spanning across the globe. Hiking through the mist of a mountain jungle, walking along the Great Wall of China, fording an expanse of Nile River. Living in a different culture, eating food you’ve never seen before, receiving hospitality from strangers in the Middle East.  You were called to preach the gospel of Christ to every tribe, tongue, and nation, and to spread His love and forgiveness to the ends of the earth. You have been created to live outside your comfort zone. You are not to be satisfied in your current state. Rather, you are to grow daily in the word. To sharpen your understanding of the double edged sword.

Do you think it will come easy? Will you have troubles? Will there be cracks along the path? Will you be led astray?

God will be with you every step of the way. He will carry and guide you. Your burden will lighten. He will lift you up. You will soar and not grow weary.

1 Peter 2:9
            9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Isaiah 40:28-31
            28Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Whatever the circumstances, whatever the call, whatever the duty, whatever the price, whatever the sacrifice, His strength will be your strength in your hour of need.  – Billy Graham

John 16:33
            33I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Matthew 28:18-20
            18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brother In Need

Today I went out sharing with my friend Alex on the beach. We went out initiating spiritual conversations and had three very different conversations.

The first conversation was with two women. Alex initiated the conversation and she began asking them questions. They believed in heaven and hell, but one needed assurance that she could be 100% sure of her eternal life in heaven. We shared with her that nothing she has done, is doing, or will do matters. What Christ has done for our sins on the cross is the only thing that matters. It is not by our works or actions but God's grace, and through faith in Christ as our savior we are saved.

The second conversation was with a man just entering retirement. His name was Joe. He said he is living a good life because he has everything he wants. He is financially sound, has a good job, he has traveled everywhere he has wanted and lives a care free life. He said he thanks God everyday because he is not below ground. He was very closed minded when we first started talking to him, but he let us talk to him a little longer. Joe thought that having a relationship with God was knowing of Him . It seemed as though he was living for himself and putting God second. I am not entirely sure where he is at in his relationship with God because we were not able to go through the whole gospel with him. Please keep Joe in your prayers.

The third and final conversation we got into on the beach was with a family. It was a father, Frankie, mother, Michelle, and one daughter and son. This conversation was truly a blessing from God. When we first initiate spiritual conversations we have a tool through Campus Crusade for Christ that we use which is called the Quest Survey. The survey is just five simple questions to transition from life questions into spiritual matters. I asked Frankie the first question, "What three words would you use to describe your life?" I believe they were hard, struggle, and challenging. After the individuals give their three word description we ask why they chose a certain word. We asked Frankie why life was a struggle or challenging and he really opened up about his past and current struggles. Frankie let us into his life and told of his pain and suffering. The first time he experienced hardship was when he was seven years old. His mother was stopped at a stoplight and a vehicle collided with her killing her. After his mother's death he was put in foster home to foster home until he was finally adopted. He said he wishes he could have know his mom. His current situation is not the easiest. A few years back he was in a car accident. He was stopped behind a school bus in his vehicle when a driver on their cell phone crashed into his vehicle. His left leg was broken at the knee and he is now disabled and has to walk with a cane. He used to frame houses for a living but now because of his leg he is unable to work. He only received $16,000 for the car accident. Just after his car accident his oldest of seven sisters died. The family was struggling to pay for the funeral. His six sisters did not have the funds to pay so he had to pay all the funeral costs. The $16,000 he received to help with his living expenses went to the funeral costs because the sisters weren't willing to pay.   In the last year four of his family members have passed away. Less than a year ago Frankie's wife Michelle had an emergency surgery to remove a cancerous growth on her tonsils. She was a manager of a hotel and because she left for emergency surgery she was fired without notice. Frankie tried to support his family but he cannot work and his wife was unemployed. She has since found another job at a hotel but she does not make enough to support the family. Frankie gets disability checks worth $150 in food stamps, but that is not enough for him to feed his family in a month. Last month they were going to shut the lights off in his house because he cannot make payments. He went to a local church in the area but they could not help. He was discouraged and thought that Christians were supposed to help those in need. He and his family do not go to church. Frankie was not sure on what it meant to be saved in order to go to Heaven. He thought you had to go to church or be baptized, but Alex and I explained it has nothing to do with that. All you need is Christ in your life as your personal savior. We were privileged to be a part of Frankie and his family's life. He showed that he truly cared and loved his children. He often would tear up during the conversation and said he would do anything for them. He just wants to provide for his family but he feels as though he is failing. Doors seem to be slammed closed whenever an opportunity arises in his life. At the end of the Gospel presentation he said he desired to have a relationship with God but he was not 100% ready. I think his current situation is holding him back. Please pray for Frankie, Michelle, and their two kids. Pray that they may see God's love in all things. Pray that Michelle stays strong and patient as she cares and provides for the family. Pray for healing for Frankie so he may be able to be more mobile with his leg. Pray that God may continue to bless his family and that they may come to know Christ. Pray that they may be able to help find help in his community & churches in the area may be able to be open to love and help Frankie and his family.

Thanks & God Bless!
Summer Project is Half Over & This is a video that the Media Team Put together to commemorate what we have accomplished. It has been amazing to see what God has been doing here in North Myrtle Beach the last five weeks!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Photo Post

My Bed...

My Small but Useful Kitchen!

Kitchen Again

Entrance to My Apartment

Grassy Knoll: Meeting Place between Project's Apartments

North Myrtle Beach Project Main Office Apartments.
205 2nd Ave. South, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Looking Down 2nd Ave. S. towards Beach Access!

Corner of 2nd Ave S. and Ocean Drive Blvd

Many High Rising Hotel/Resorts on Ocean Drive Blvd

Beach Access: 1 block away from apartment

Beach where time is spent sharing gospel of Christ

Great waves crashing

Small Carnival 1.5 blocks away from apartment

Ferris Wheel at Carnival

McLean Park 1 block away from my apartment

Nice Shaded Areas for reading and grill outs

Softball field. Great Games played here!

Another view of my Apartment from Hillside St. 

A New Creation

It has been a while since I have updated this. (over a week) I have been quite busy on project and had a great weekend with my family up in Minneapolis. My brother got married on the 11 of May. It was a great weekend to spend with relatives and the reception was a lot of fun.

God has been moving in bounds at NMB. The last four weeks here have been amazing. I have had the privilege to share the gospel of Christ and get in very tough yet rewarding spiritual conversations.

I will still never forget the Killing the Giants week. It was the week leading up to the weekend of my brothers wedding. We were encouraged to set evangelism goals and leave the results up to God. I did not reach my goal but that does not matter. What matters is that I faithfully responded to God's calling to "...go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:I8-20) and surrendered the outcome to Him alone.

One conversation from that week I will never forget. I was on the plane ride from Minneapolis to Charlotte, NC. My flight was delayed for 2.5 hours out of the cities, which was discouraging, but when I boarded the plane and was seated my circumstances changed. God showed that I just need to worship Him and glorify Him in all circumstances. I was seated next to a brother in Christ (I had no idea he was a Christian at the time I sat down). His name was Adam. We were both sitting quietly reading the books we brought and he saw the title of my book "Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening" by Dan Hayes. He asked me what it was about and the spiritual conversation was started from there. I was able to share how I became a Christian and was able to be an available ear for his recent struggles. He became a Christ follower in college and shared how he was struggling recently with his latest relationship. He is currently living in Atlanta, GA where he moved to be in a relationship with his ex. I could tell you all the details but I will refrain. It was great seeing how God sets Divine Appointments for getting into spiritual conversations. If you are wondering what book he was reading it was called "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne. God made it a point for me to meet Adam and He allowed us to pour truth into each other and encourage each other as brothers in Christ!

This week has been great. I have had three great days of work at the Fudgery. During Monday night's bible study, God convicted me of how I can get stuck in a routine and not reach out to him. Also he convicted me that I needed to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ on a regular basis to build them us and give them strength to carry on. Last He convicted me that I need to take every opportunity possible to share the gospel more and more during my free time. Overall I just need to realize daily that no matter what I do I need to do it for God's glory alone. A verse that helps me at work and through the week is the following: EPHESIANS 6:7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men," and in my journal it was explained as follows. Work heartily, as Christ's servants doing what God wants you to do. And work with a smile on your face, always keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders, you're really serving God. This is a great thing to keep in mind that no matter what you do, do it for God's glory!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Killing the Giants

One full week has passed and another begins. Last weeks theme for project was "Thirsting to Know HIM." That theme was focusing on walking empowered by the Holy Spirit and practicing what is called Spiritual Breathing throughout the day. Spiritual Breathing is a word picture that Campus Crusade for Christ uses which can help you experience moment-by-moment dependence upon the Spirit. The first part of the process is Exhale: Confess your sin the moment you become aware of it--agree with God concerning it and thank Him for His forgiveness, according to 1 John 1:9 and Hebrews 10:1-25. Confession requires repentance--a change in attitude and action. The second part of the process is Inhale: Surrender control of your life to Christ, and rely upon the Holy Spirit to fill you with His presence and power by faith, according to His command (Ephesians 5:18) and promise (1 John 5:14, 15). During "Thirsting to Know HIM, I was able to get into two spiritual conversations and was able to share the Gospel with a guy named Matt. It is truly amazing to be able to go out in confidence knowing the Spirit is empowering you as you get into spiritual conversations and share your faith and testimony to total strangers.

I also finished my first week of work at The Fudgery in Myrtle Beach. It is located at an outlet mall 15 min away from where I live. My job title is a candymaker and I make fresh fudge throughout the day and sing and perform for customers. I have spent many nights in bed trying to go to sleep with a fudge song stuck in my head. "There ain't no mountain high enough, There ain't no valley low enough, There ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from gettin' to my fudge." Even though a lot of my day is spent at work, one of the main aspects of Summer Project is Evangelism. Which leads to this week's theme.

Killing the Giants. Based off the Biblical story of David and Goliath, this week we are to "kill our giants" in regards to Evangelism. Each person set a personal goal Sunday on the amount of spiritual conversations and the number of gospel presentations for the week. We were encouraged to set high goals and see how God will provide throughout the week as you go out sharing the news of Christ.

I ask that as I go out sharing this week you would join me in praying that God would continually empower me with the Holy Spirit that He may work through me and give me the words to speak as I get into conversations. Also that God would set up divine appointments where he set apart people throughout the week and open their hearts to be open for spiritual conversations. Lastly that I would focus on God's plan and be Bold and Fearless in sharing the Gospel.

Many Thanks and God Bless

Monday, May 30, 2011


Today was another great day in NMB, SC. I woke up early and made the commute down to Tanger Outlet Mall in Myrtle Beach. I was giving my friend from project Anna Jean a ride there so she could fill out some paperwork at The Fudgery. I also had applied there last Friday and I had only heard that I would find out more details on my employment status. We arrive at the mall around 9:45 and waited outside until Chris, the manager, and the other employes unlocked the doors at 10. He arrived at 10 unlocked the door and Chris said I had the job. I filled out the employment paperwork and start tomorrow at 10 a.m.!

Okay now lets look back a few days. After I had met with Chris the first time on Friday, he said I had a really good chance at getting the job and he would give me a call. I was excited and went back to my apartment with the other people on Summer Project. Saturday went by. No Call. To tell you the truth I had my phone by me at all times and was constantly anticipating it to ring. Sunday came and I was very anxious with again no call. Worry and Anxiety is addressed in the bible numerous times and I even knew of some verses I used to lead a bible study on last semester.

For example Philippians 4:19 says, "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

There is also a whole passage dedicated to Worry in Luke 12:22-34. 22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. 24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn: yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? ...27-34.

Luke's passage really spoke to me and definitely needed to be applied to the situation. I realized late Saturday night that I needed to surrender the outcome to God for it was out of my control. I went to Him in prayer and asked Him to provide by His will and God surely provided! He answered my prayer and I look forward to having the opportunities to share my faith and the good news of Christ in the workplace. Praise God for that!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Full Day at North Myrtle

What an amazing journey it has been coming to NMB. The 25 hour drive was fun. Driving through the Great Smokey Mountains for nine hours at night leaves something to be desired but we survived. The rolling hills and sharp curves in combination with dense fog made me uneasy but God got me safely to project.

Today was the first day of orientation. Like orientations always go, you learn the laws of the land and what is expected of you. I experienced my first Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich. It was amazing! After a morning and afternoon of sessions we were released in groups of two to go to the beach and strike up spiritual conversations. I went sharing with a guy name Luke Johnson. He is actually the son of two staff on CRU that work at Iowa State University (Kirk & Luann Johnson). What a small world! God really used us this afternoon and blessed us with three great spiritual conversations.

 Just one of the conversations we had was with a man who is an associate pastor at a baptist church in North Carolina. He was very strong in his faith and relationship with the Lord and was passionate about evangelism. He has been involved in the church he has been serving for over 30 years, and he started a ministry for the elderly folks in his congregation. He said even though the men and women in the church are in their 70-90's he said they felt something was missing. The individuals have been members of that church for all their life and knew who God was but never had the chance to know what it was like to have a Personal Relationship with their God and Savior. The associate pastor felt there was a need to reach out to these men and women and share that there is more to knowing and it takes action on our part to ask Christ into our life. That was very wonderful to hear from a brother in Christ who is actively doing God's will and serving those in his church. It was great and encouraging to see how God is working in this man's life and to see how God has equipped him to reach out to those you may not think of first.

Prayer requests:
Please pray for my job searching in the coming days.
Please pray for genuine relationships that I am building with my bible study guys.
Please pray for protection and health as I recover from lack of sleep from driving down here & for the summer.
Pray for a deepened understanding and appreciation of the Gospel.
Pray for boldness in evangelism and sharing my faith on the beach.

Thanks & God Bless!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Before Trip to NMB

My first blog Post!! This blog will be used to tell of my adventures at North Mytrle Beach, SC. I well be there for Campus Crusade for Christ & over 100 other college students from the U.S. We will be built up in our relationships with Christ and spread the good news of the Gospel to visitors and residents of NMB. I look forward to the many spiritual conversations to come!

It has been a wonderful break since final's wrapped up on May 6 in Ames, IA. I have spent my time at home with family (NW Iowa Farm). God has blessed me with a great family that supports me. I am truly lucky to have them in my life. It was good that I was home so I could help take care of my mother after her recent hip replacement. It was great to serve my mother who has done so much for me over the years.

Today is a beautiful day, but it is a little cold. I am looking forward to the warmer weather down in South Carolina. I have had my suitcase packed for over a week. I have to say I am really excited to see what God has is store for my summer! I can't wait to meet all my brothers and sisters in Christ that I will be spending the next 10 weeks. The car ride will be long, but I look forward to arriving in North Myrtle Beach ready to do God's work!